Find your daily rhythm
A regular habit or daily work-time will give you the momentum you need to finish your story, poem, lexicon, task-at-hand, etc. If you leave a story for a week and come back to it, you have to spend time reacquainting yourself with who the characters are, what the style of writing is, and where you were going next. This often leads to spending our “writing time” not writing at all, but just spinning our wheels to get back on track. By having a consistent time of writing you stay in the flow of writing, you are able to spending your writing time continuing your project, instead of thinking through the Hows and Whys and Whats.
Quick Tip: Find an amount of time to work for that you can regularly complete. If you can write for only ten minutes a day, do it! When you have completed the ten minutes you will have a sense of accomplishment that will give you the energy you need to start the ten minute time period the next day. While starting a writing project is easier than finishing, starting a “writing time” can be the hardest part. Choosing an amount of time that you know you can complete allows you to enter a writing time much easier.